Welp, this is taking a while

Sooooo apparently settings menus take way, way, waaay longer than I expected. Whoops.

The Official Major Post-Jam Update to POSSESSOR is taking its sweet time, with me somehow spending about four times as much time on it than on the entire original release. However, the good news is that the progress has been pretty steady, with the majority of bugs encountered thus far being of the Fun kind and not of the "why why why is this happening *pulling hair* " kind.

I am hoping (in a tentative and super cautiously optimistic kind of way) to have something out by the end of February, and then proceed to work on the Full Release. The Full Release will take much longer, will feature a complete style overhaul, and most likely will be under a different name (there's a movie also called Possessor that has a similar premise that I had no idea about until roughly "time of release minus eight hours", which was a major whoopsie moment).

In the meantime, please enjoy this video of me stress-testing the game that features one of those aforementioned Fun bugs that's on its way to becoming a feature. Physics engines have a way of behaving in funny and interesting ways when you're trying to apply dynamically-changing timescale to them, hence the floating debris.

Get Possessor

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